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PUBLICATIONS, peer-reviewed


Wanamaker, SM, D Singh, AJ Byrd, TM Smiley, ED Ketterson. 2020. Local adaptations from afar: migratory bird populations diverge in the initiation of reproductive timing while wintering in sympatry. Biology Letters: DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0493

Barido-Sottani, J, E Saupe, TM Smiley, LC Soul, A Wright, RC Warnock. 2020. Seven rules for simulations in paleobiology. Paleobiology: DOI: 10.1017/pab.2020.30

Smiley, TM, PO Title, ML Zeldith, RC Terry. 2020. Multi-dimensional biodiversity hotspots and the future of taxonomic, ecological, and phylogenetic diversity: a case study of North American rodents. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(3): 516-533. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13050


Becker, DJ, KM Talbot, TM Smiley, KL Clark, PE Sauer, ED Ketterson. 2019. Leukocyte profiles vary between sympatric residents and overwintering migrant songbirds and with infection status following fall migration. Animal Migration 6: 28-40. DOI: 10.1515/ami-2019-0004

Blumenthal, S, TE Cerling, TM Smiley, C Badgley, TW Plummer. 2019. Isotopic records of climate seasonality in equid teeth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 260: 329-348. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.037


Smiley, TM. 2018Detecting diversification processes in relation to preservation and tectonic history from simulated fossil records. Paleobiology 44(1): 1-24. DOI: 

10.1017/pab.2017.28 (Featured article & Editor's selection for Open Access)

Badgley, C, TM Smiley, & R Cable. 2018. Mountains, climate, and mammals, in Mountains, Climate, and Biodiversity (eds. C. Hoorn and A. Antonelli), p. 201-216. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester.

Smiley, TM, EG Hyland, JM Cotton, & RE Reynolds. 2018. Early evidence of C4 grasses, precipitation variability, and faunal response during the Miocene Climatic Optimum in the Mojave region. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 490: 415-430.


Badgley, C, TM Smiley, et al. (17 co-authors) 2017. Biodiversity and topographic complexity: Modern and geohistorical perspectives. Trends in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 32(3): 211-226.

Smiley, TM, & RC Terry. 2017. Paleoecology: methods. Invited article for Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.

 2016 and earlier 

Smiley, TM.  2016. Changes in small-mammal diversity and ecology in relation to landscape and climate change over the Neogene. Frontiers of Biogeography 8(4): e32713.

Smiley, TM, JM Cotton, C Badgley, & TE Cerling. 2015. Small-mammal isotope ecology tracks climate and vegetation gradients across western North America. Oikos 125: 1100-1109.

Badgley, C, TM Smiley, & JA Finarelli. 2014. Great Basin mammal diversity in relation to landscape history. Journal of Mammalogy 95(6): 1090-1106.

Prothero, DR, E Draus, EA Nesbitt, TM Smiley, & C Burns. 2009. Paleomagnetism and tectonic rotation of the Eocene-Oligocene rocks of the Quimper Peninsula, northeastern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 43(2): 127-138.

Smiley, T, C Sidor, A Maga, & O Ide. 2008. The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger. VI. First Evidence of a Gorgonopsid Therapsid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(2): 543-547.


PUBLICATIONS, field guides and conference papers

Smiley, TM, R Dunn, & E Davis. 2019. Fossil record of the Great Basin over the ~30 Myr, in KM Loughney & C Badgley, eds., Guide to the Western Transect: 30 Million years +- 2 kilometers: NARLEE Field Trip and Workshop, p.116-123

Feng, R & TM Smiley. 2019. Regional climate of the Great Basin, today and over the Neogene, in KM Loughney & C Badgley, eds., Guide to the Western Transect: 30 Million years +- 2 kilometers: NARLEE Field Trip and Workshop, p.70-74

Loughney, K & TM Smiley. 2019. The middle Miocene in southern California: Mammals, environments, and tectonics of the Barstow, Crowder, and Cajon Valley formationsField Trip of the North American Paleontological Convention, June 22, 2019. PaleoBios, 36.

Badgley, C, TM Smiley, & KM Loughney. 2015. Miocene mammal diversity of the Mojave region in the context of the Great Basin mammal history, in RE Reynolds, ed., The Mojave Miocene: 15 Million Years of History: Fullerton, California State University Desert Studies Consortium, p. 34–43.

PRESENTATIONS (*indicates Undergraduate advisee)

(29) TM Smiley, C Badgley, A Bahadori, R Feng, WE Holt, KM Loughney, & RC Terry. 2019. Diversity responses to landscape change in the Basin and Range Province: Tectonics influence macroevolutionary dynamics and faunal structure in mammals over the Neogene. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. (Invited talk)

(28) TM Smiley, JM Cotton, NR Packard, M Jimenez*, & RC Terry. 2019. Mice-oscapes: Using isotopes to understand the effects of climate and landscape change on small-mammal ecology over the past century. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. (talk)

(27) TM Smiley, A Bahadori, WE Holt, T Rasbury, C Badgley. 2019. Basin and Range tectonics drive diversification dynamics in North American mammals. North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside, CA. (talk)

(26) TM Smiley, RC Terry, C Badgley, A Bahadori, WE Holt & ET Rasbury. 2018. Were mountain passes higher in the middle Miocene? Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Albuquerque, NM. (talk)

(25) TM Smiley, M Moroz*, C Badgley, T Cerling. 2017. Ecological response to environmental changes: insights from the Miocene small-mammal record of southern California. Geological Society of America, Seattle, WA. (talk)

(24) Smiley, TM, C Badgley, RC Terry, EB Davis, B Riddle, B Yanites, J Finarelli & S Hopkins. 2017. Biodiversity and topographic complexity: modern and geohistorical perspectives. Evolution, Portland, OR. (talk)

(23) Smiley, TM. 2017. Mountains & mammals: linking landscape and climate change to diversification in Neogene rodents. Integrative Biology Department Seminar, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. (talk)

(22) Smiley, TM. 2017. Why is the Great Basin so diverse? A paleontological perspective. Fern & J.L. Crawford Lecture Series, Zion Canyon Field Institute, Springdale, UT. (Invited talk)

(21) Smiley, TM. 2017. Diversity dynamics and ecology of small mammals in relation to the Neogene tectonic and climate history of western North America. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (Invited talk)

(20) Smiley, TM. 2017. Detecting diversification processes in relation to tectonic history from an incomplete fossil record. International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ. (talk)

(19) Badgley, C, TM Smiley, WE Holt, A Bahadori & ET Rasbury. 2017. Mammal diversification tracks landscape history in the Great Basin of western North America. International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ. (talk)

(18) Bahadori, A, WE Holt, ET Rasbury, L Liu, L Flesch, C Badgley, TM Smiley, & R Smith. 2016. Reconstruction of topography and lithosphere dynamics within the Basin and Range of western North American since 36 Ma. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. (talk)

(17) Smiley, TM. 2016. Mountains and mammals: linking landscape and climate change to diversification in Neogene rodents. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Salt Lake City, UT. (talk in Romer Prize session)

(16) Moroz, M*, TM Smiley, & C Badgley. 2016. Ecological response of small-mammal assemblages to environmental change over the Miocene Climatic Optimum in southern California. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Salt Lake City, UT. (finalist in the Colbert Student Prize poster session)

(15) Badgley, C, TM Smiley, WE Holt, & ET Rasbury. 2016. Great Basin mammal diversity and tectonic history. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Salt Lake City, UT. (talk)

(14) Smiley, TM, L McQuarter*, & C Badgley. 2016. Geometric-morphometric analysis of Dipodomys ordii dentition: shape change along environmental and climatic gradients. American Society of Mammalogy, Minneapolis, MN. (Invited poster for symposium “Morphometric Approaches to Studying Mammalian Evolution and Ecology”)

(13) Moroz, M*, TM Smiley, & C Badgley. 2016. Variation in dental morphology among heteromyid rodents in present-day and fossil communities. American Society of Mammalogy, Minneapolis, MN. (poster)

(12) Smiley, TM, & C Badgley. 2015. Patterns of Miocene mammalian diversity across spatial scales in the Great Basin of western North America. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Dallas, TX. (talk)

(11) Moroz, M*, TM Smiley, & C Badgley. 2015. Variation in dental morphology of modern and fossil heteromyid assemblages. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Dallas, TX. (poster)

(10) Smiley, TM, C Badgley, & TE Cerling. 2015. Dietary ecology of diverse Miocene rodent faunas from the Mojave region based on in situ stable isotope analysis. Cleveland Museum of Natural History Paleoecology Symposium, Cleveland, OH. (poster)

(9) Smiley, TM, EG Hyland, & JM Cotton. 2015. Approaches for reconstructing paleoenvironment in the Cajon Valley and Crowder formations, southern California. CSU-Fullerton Desert Symposium, Zzyzx, CA. (Best student talk awarded)

(8) Badgley, C, TM Smiley, & K Loughney. 2015. Miocene mammal diversity of the Mojave region in the context of Great Basin mammal history. CSU-Fullerton Desert Symposium, Zzyzx, CA. (talk)

(7) Smiley, TM, C Badgley, EG Hyland, JM Cotton, & RE Reynolds. 2014. Coupling environmental change and ecological response: The Miocene of the Mojave Desert, California. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Berlin, Germany. (talk)

(6) Smiley, TM, & C Badgley. 2014. Spatial variation in stable isotope ecology of small mammals in western North America. Geologic Society of America, Vancouver, BC. (Invited talk for session “Dynamic landscapes and the diversification of North American Rodents”)

(5) Moroz, M*, TM Smiley, & C Badgley. 2014. Fossil mammals from the ancient Mojave: Tracking faunal and environmental change. National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY. (poster)

(4) Smiley, TM, C Badgley, & J Finarelli. 2013. Miocene mammal diversity in relation to tectonic and climatic history of the Basin and Range Province. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Los Angeles, CA. (talk)

(3) Smiley, TM, C Badgley, & AK Behrensmeyer. 2012. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes record seasonal variation in drinking water and diet of modern large herbivores in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Raleigh, NC. (talk)

(2) Badgley, C, TM Smiley, & JA Finarelli. 2012. Great Basin mammalian diversity in the context of landscape evolution. American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, NV. (Invited talk)

(1) Smiley, TM, C Sidor, J Steyer, & N Tabor. 2007. First Evidence for a therapsid in the Upper Permian Moradi Formation of Niger. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Austin, TX. (poster)

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Smiley Lab logos designed by Imogene Welles.

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